Wayne Homes adds Craftsman exteriors to its long list of choices

November 17, 2010

While craftsmanship is nothing new to Wayne Homes, Craftsman style is. Wayne Homes has just introduced new Craftsman-inspired exterior architecture for nine of the builder’s most popular floorplans.

The Craftsman, or Arts and Crafts, architectural movement of the late 1800s and early 1900s was a return to simple, honest design. Some of its most familiar features are: square-shingle siding (unlike the scalloped siding of Victorian architecture); stone or brick front-porch pedestals with square, tapered posts; and decorative gable brackets. These are a few of the features of the exteriors from Wayne Homes.

“Craftsman architecture is almost more of attitude or philosophy than it is a style,” explains Wayne Homes Director of Product Development, Joel Cardinal. “It was a reaction to the Industrial Revolution, and the idea behind it was to honor the good work of the individual artisan or craftsman. It was also a reaction to fussy Victorian style. That’s why the different forms you see in Craftsman architecture are so simple.”

Cardinal points out that some of Wayne Homes’ other exteriors feature Craftsman details, “Like the tapered porch posts. But we’re taking the style a lot further with these new exteriors.”

Wayne Homes Vice President of Marketing, Maurie Jones, says that the Craftsman exteriors are also the expression of another philosophy, “The Wayne Homes philosophy of choice and individual expression. We just thought it was time to add another flavor to our list of styles. And we’re so devoted to giving people choices, we let our buyers make changes to the architecture.”

Which is a good demonstration of Wayne Homes’ craftsmanship.

About Wayne Homes
The task of constructing a home from the ground up is made less daunting thanks to Wayne Homes’ four decades of experience, streamlined process and exceptional personal service. They help customers through every step — from home-site prep and financing to choosing from numerous combinations of floorplans, features and finishes. The result is a home of extremely high quality that perfectly suits the homeowner’s needs. Homes range from 1,300 to 3,500 square feet and from the $80s to $200s (plus land cost). Learn more about building a custom, energy-efficient home by dropping by one of the company’s eight model home centers or by visiting WayneHomes.com.


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