A Designer's Guide to Furnishing Your Home

Not Sure How to Furnish Your New Wayne Home? Start Here! You make a house a home when you furnish it both with your belongings and your love. We know when you start with a blank canvas, it can be hard to envision what you need to furnish your home the way you’d like. We sought out the advice of... [read more]

What to Expect During a Homesite Evaluation

How to Find the Right Lot for Your New Home When building a Wayne home on your lot, the first step is finding the land! When you’re shopping for lots and you find a site you think might work for your new Wayne home, you can contact us so we can do a complimentary site evaluation. Wayne Homes... [read more]

Examining Exteriors: Which One is Right For You?

Which Home Exterior Exhibits Your Personal Style? There’s no better feeling than pulling up to your house and seeing your beautiful home, welcoming you back. The exterior of your home is just as important as the interior of your home. It’s a glimpse into what lies beyond that front door, and it... [read more]

Wayne Gives Back: The "Why" Behind The Chili Open

At Wayne Homes, we love events that keep us close to the communities we serve. And, it’s even better when the events help support those same communities. The Chili Open is a very special event Wayne Homes proudly sponsors, and we look forward to doing so every year. The Chili Open is an annual... [read more]

Our Newest Floor Plan: The Jackson

The Floor Plan That Makes Life Easier for Families We are proud to reveal our newest floor plan–the Jackson! This floor plan is all about making life easier for families. You’re going to love the features our design experts incorporated to add a touch of everyday luxury and make even tedious... [read more]

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